Tuesday, October 9, 2012

And We're In.

I haven't blogged in a while but I have a good excuse this time, we have been busy moving in! Two weeks ago I felt like we'd never get to move in and now look at where we are. We still aren't completely done, there are little details to finish up like the baseboard in the gym, the stair rail, the backsplash in the laundry room, and a few other odds and ends but it's enough that we can stop and catch our breath. We don't have to spend every waking moment tiling or dealing with trades or whatever else gets thrown at us that day. We can take our time and finish up the final details on our own time when we want to, not because we have to.

In the meantime, it is so nice being in the new house and being able to rest our heads here:

1 comment:

  1. WE are right behind you. two weeks!! although, we will have more than a few odds and ends to finish when we move in.

