Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What's Going On

We've had quite a bit happening around here the last couple of days.

Let's start with the things that are finished:

1. The drywallers are DONE! Yay!
In the house at least, they still have three walls left in the garage to do but that can be finished whenever.

2. The whole house is primed:

The Family Room primed and the ceilings painted

3. The ceilings are painted.

4. The prep work for the garage slab is done:

5. Our lights are ordered!

Now for the things in progress:

1. The first coat of paint is started.

First coat of paint in the laundry room

2. My parents are down for a few days and they have been busy getting the yard cleaned up and planting some trees.

The pile of trees that were cleaned up from around the yard

A new baby tree

3. I am working on finalizing the order for our appliances.

And the things scheduled for the rest of the week:

1. The in-floor heating in the garage is set to be installed on Thursday.

2. Our cabinet guy is coming to install the cabinets on Thursday.

3. If our concrete guy can schedule the concrete for Friday they are going to come and pour our slabs.

4. The painter is coming back on Friday to keep working.

That's a lot of stuff going on!
Things are coming together, it's slowly starting to look like a real house now.


  1. What you've got going on is a LOT! Yay for progress!!

  2. First coat of paint! Weeeeeee!! Heated flooring the garage? Do you have it throughout the house too?

    1. Just in the garage and the basement. Heating the floor in the garage is enough to heat the garage so that we don't have to plug our vehicles in in the winter :).
