Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Happy Anniversary!

Today is our one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe that we got married one year ago today!

I have some advice for newlyweds, don't build a house together your first year of marriage. We've had people tell us that if we can make it through building a house together, you can make it through anything. I have no idea how true that is, in all honesty it hasn't been that bad. It's more the idea that we went from planning a wedding to planning/building a house pretty much back to back. Looking back over the last three years or so I feel like all we have done is plan. It's going to be so weird to go back to a normal life where we don't have anything major to plan. We'll have the time to do things we want instead of the things we have to do.

We decided to take the weekend off and go into the city. It was so nice to get away and not have to worry about work or working on the house. We went out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary but the rest of the time we spent shopping for stuff for the house. We ordered some new furniture and we hit up Ikea, Crate and Barrel, Homesense, and Home Depot.

The back seat may or may not be full too.

Yup, I get a car full of furniture and The Husband gets some work lights. That's how we roll around here. 


  1. Happy anniversary!!!

    I can totally relate. We got married, got pregnant, bought land, broke ground. All in the first year. We're still not done, but it is just such a weird feeling that we don't HAVE to do anything!

  2. Happy Anni! People say that to us all the time too. I want to say we are planners and we like it like it! I think after the house is done we can start planning parties...and then maybe for a little munchkin!

  3. Happy Anniversary, date twin! Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend of shopping and relaxing! Enjoy your new purchases for the house!

  4. Happy anniversary!! At least you know you can survive house building together so the rest of your marriage should be a piece of cake! ;)
