Monday, September 17, 2012

Electricity is Good.

Oh the things we take for granted in this day and age.

The electrician has been working on the house for the last week or so trying to get all of the final electrical work done. He has a bit more work to do but it is so nice to walk into a room and be able to have light with just the flick of a switch.

Our old house had ugly builder basic light fixtures so I was excited to get to pick out lights that we actually liked. I think my favourite fixtures are the kitchen pendants. I am not a fan of mini pendants but I was worried that picking a larger pendant would the away too much from the rest of the kitchen. We ended up going with West Elm's Industrial Pendant.

I think it's a pretty popular fixture but it fit what we were looking for. It's a fairly substantial size but the clear glass globe doesn't hide too much of the kitchen. I really like how it looks in our kitchen. I am not sure we hung the pendants at the right height though. To me they look like should be a bit higher. What do you think? Higher? Lower? Just right?  

Now if we could only get running water. Our plumber showed up for a whole 15 minutes today. At this rate we should have water by December.


  1. Ohhhh man! It's looking so good. Aren't you getting excited?!

    1. Thanks, Amy! I am not too excited yet. I think once the plumber is close to being done and we have a better idea of when we can start moving stuff in I'll get excited.

  2. so pretty! I love the clear glass look, trying to tlk my hubs into some for the kitchen too!
