Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tile Update

We are finally finished laying the floor tile!! Done like dinner. We still have the grout to do but hopefully that won't be as time consuming as actually laying the tile. Tile is a sllloooowww process. A couple of people had told me that tile takes awhile to do, they weren't kidding. There are a lot of steps and most of them are tedious, but I think it was worth it. Our tile turned out pretty good!

Main Bath Tile. Done.

Master Bath Tile. Done.

Next up is the wall tile (tub surround and shower). We won't be starting on that right away though, we have some things to finish up before finishing starts so we are taking a quick break from tiling. We do have the prep work done for the wall tile. 

You don't want to use drywall in a tiled shower or tub in case water gets through the tile and it probably will, grout isn't waterproof. You do need a backer for the tile though. We decided to use Wedi board as a backer. It's styrofoam sheets that are covered on both sides with a thin layer of concrete. Concrete board is another option but Wedi board is a lot lighter and easier to manage. 

Shower before the Wedi board

Shower after Wedi board is installed

Wedi board installed in the tub

The Wedi board is fairly easily to install. You cut the sheets to fit your tub or shower with an exacto knife, screw the sheets to the wall and caulk the seams. The hardest part was that we kept running out of caulking.


  1. Oh la la! The tile looks great and I really like the tub!

  2. Yay!! Looks good, we were thinking of doing our own tile but I'm pretty sure we are just going to fork over the dough
