Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Adventures in Trailer Living - Part I

I haven't talked about our living situation a lot, I think because it makes us look crazy pants. But here it is:

Yup, we live in a camper. 

We seem to get varied reactions to this. People either think we are crazy or they have done it themselves. You heard right, other people do this too. Maybe we aren't crazy pants? Probably though. 

The people who haven't decided to do this all seem to be concerned about the fact that it's cold, we do live in Canada after all. Everyone says "Oh, you are so lucky we had such a mild winter". This frustrates me to no end. So what if it would have been colder? We have a furnace, and yes the furnace would have run more, and yes our propane bill would have been higher. How is this any different than in a house? In a house your furnace runs more when it is cold and your heating bill is higher. To be honest, it being cold in the camper isn't even on my list of complaints. Maybe this is because we have just adjusted to it or because we used to keep the thermostat in our old house fairly low. I find it much more comfy to throw on a sweater and cuddle up with a blanket than to crank up the heat. Plus it's cheaper that way. 

I should probably rewind a bit back to how we decided that this would be a good idea. We were moving across the province, we didn't have the option of living in our old house and working on the new one. We needed a place to stay. The options that we came up with were:

1. Rent an apartment or house in town
2. Stay with The Husband's mom
3. Buy a camper and live in it

We looked into renting but decided against it for several reasons. Rent here is really expensive and there are limited renting options ( I just might see a rental property in our future...). We have a dog and finding an acceptable pet friendly place that was in the area we wanted was impossible, or at least we couldn't find one. Plus, both The Husband and I hate paying rent. I hate paying off someone else's investment when I could make my own, you know? So #1 was crossed of the list. 

Do I even want to get into #2? No, I don't think I do. 

So that left us with the camper. The main reason that we decided to go this route was $$. Yup, the almighty dollar. We liked the idea of buying a camper that we could either keep after we were done living in it for, you know, actual camping. Or we could sell it when we were done. We also liked the idea that we could park the camper on the construction site so that we could be close to the house in case we wanted to work late or check in with any trades that might be working there. So here we are 9 months later, still living in our camper.

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