With the beautiful weather suddenly upon us we took advantage and quickly got started on our outdoor to do list.
The List: (in no particular order)
- Front columns and stone build outs
- Front step
- Siding and Building paper
- Backfill/grading
- Yard clean up
- Driveway
- Build Deck
- Seed Grass/landscape
I think we might be busy this summer.
We started with yard clean up so that the yard would be easier to work in when we get to the siding. We have a good chunk of this done already. We have been cleaning up construction garbage that's still around from last year. There are quite a few dead trees on the property that we want cleaned up so we have started working on that too. Plus the old man that lived here years before us was kind enough to leave us all sorts of junk so we have been picking away at that too. The yard looks so much better to us already but there is still a lot of work to do. I honestly didn't take any pictures of this though because who really wants to see a bunch of dead trees and other junk being cleaned up? Not I.
We have started working on the front step and the stone build outs. I have a small internet glitch that I am trying to figure out and then hopefully I'll have an update on that.
I haven't forgotten about our office makeover either! I have a update that on that too. stupid internet interfering with my blogging.
There may have been some other small projects that we fit in there too :)
Oh, and the worms are back :(.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
its easy to let the blog life get away from you when house stuff needs to be done :) good luck on your list!