I tried to write this yesterday but as I began this post my computer had a near death experience. Perhaps that's a sign that I should just stop blogging?
So...I haven't blogged in awhile.
I have been meaning to. We have several small updates done and there are a couple rooms I haven't shared yet, I just haven't gotten around to it. We are both so burnt out. We're done. For 16 months (or so, I try not to think about it) our whole lives revolved around this house. It's been nice to just take a break and not have to worry about getting things done and to just be able to enjoy our home. That is after all the whole point of this whole thing, right?
I am starting to get antsy though. I want some things done around here. The problem with that is a) The Husband is not as eager as I am to get projects done and b) we live in a small town and whenever I get the motivation to start a project we can't find the materials locally. Stupid small towns. Oh and I guess the third and most important reason is that our business has really taken off. Right now making money trumps house projects. Go figure.
I am also losing steam. For the entire life of this blog there were things happening almost daily. That is no longer the case, nor do I want it to be. Our projects list is slowly dwindling down. Right now the list still seems long but they aren't going to be happening in 'rapid' (let's use that word loosely, ok?) succession like they were before. Which is fine, believe me, it is fine. I am all for things slowing down here and you know, actually having a life. This leaves me with a decision though. Do I just stop blogging all together? Do I do random blog posts here and there? Or do I branch out a bit with the blog and add some more topics? Or am I over thinking this? I am pretty sure the last one is the right answer. Who knows though, maybe one day it'll be BAM here's a cookie recipe. Your mind would be blown. Okay, probably not but I bet you'd crave cookies all day and thats almost the same thing. Almost.
So in short, I have no idea what the long term future of this blog is but I should have some updates soon.